Nos cours

Cours de groupe

Rejoignez notre cours de boxe en groupe et profitez d’un entraînement dynamique et motivant. Encadré par des professionnels, chaque séance vous permettra d’améliorer votre technique, votre forme physique et de progresser dans un esprit d’équipe.

Two boxers are engaged in an intense boxing match inside a gym. The fighter on the left is wearing red shorts and defending with black and white gloves, while the fighter on the right is delivering a punch, wearing black and orange gloves with matching shorts. The background features boxing equipment and blurred shapes, indicating a training environment.
Two boxers are engaged in an intense boxing match inside a gym. The fighter on the left is wearing red shorts and defending with black and white gloves, while the fighter on the right is delivering a punch, wearing black and orange gloves with matching shorts. The background features boxing equipment and blurred shapes, indicating a training environment.
Cours privé

Profitez d’un cours privé de boxe adapté à vos objectifs. Avec un suivi personnalisé, notre entraîneur vous aidera à perfectionner votre technique, améliorer votre condition physique et atteindre vos objectifs plus rapidement.

Arts Martiaux

Explorez diverses disciplines d'arts martiaux adaptées à tous les niveaux, pour le développement personnel et physique.

An empty boxing ring is set up in a dimly lit gym with various boxing posters adorning the walls. The ropes of the ring are slightly worn, and the space has an aged, rustic feel.
An empty boxing ring is set up in a dimly lit gym with various boxing posters adorning the walls. The ropes of the ring are slightly worn, and the space has an aged, rustic feel.
Boxe pour débutants

Apprenez les bases de la boxe dans un environnement convivial et motivant avec nos entraîneurs expérimentés.

Two boxers are engaged in an intense boxing match inside a gym. The fighter on the left is wearing red shorts and defending with black and white gloves, while the fighter on the right is delivering a punch, wearing black and orange gloves with matching shorts. The background features boxing equipment and blurred shapes, indicating a training environment.
Two boxers are engaged in an intense boxing match inside a gym. The fighter on the left is wearing red shorts and defending with black and white gloves, while the fighter on the right is delivering a punch, wearing black and orange gloves with matching shorts. The background features boxing equipment and blurred shapes, indicating a training environment.